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emse:ups [2012/07/17 15:45]
emse:ups [2019/02/18 10:12]
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-{{  :​wiki:​usp_logo.png?​600 ​ |}} 
-<​p><​a href="​http://​www.icmc.usp.br/"><​b><​u>​Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação Universitade de São Paulo Brazil, </​b></​u></​a>​ 
-is one of the most important Brazilian institutions acting on both the development of scientific research and the training of human resources in Applied Mathematics,​ CS and Systems, Mathematics,​ and Statistics and their related areas. It is organized in four departments with 149 faculty members/​professors, ​ approximately 1,300 undergraduate students and over 400 graduate students. Both Graduate Programs in Mathematics and in CS and Computational Mathematics are ranked with a grade 6 (out of 7) by CAPES agency of the Brazilian Ministry of Education. The research and education activities at ICMC-USP are recognized internationally. Its faculty, postdocs, and students have taken part of important scientific events, and joint projects and agreements with foreign institutions abroad. The research groups have received constant support from international and Brazilian funding agencies. ​ 
-<span style="​color:​gray;​font-size:​110%;"><​b>​Expertise</​b><​br /></​span></​html>​ 
-The inclusion USP will add expertise in the 
-field of software processes, methodologies and tools for software development,​ related to software testing 
-and empirical based software engineering review. The Software Engineering Lab (SEL) at ICMC-USP 
-(LABES) has experience in research projects. Specifically,​ it collaborates with CASE (FUB) in the on-going 
-EU Qualipso project (IST-FP6-IP-034763),​ and excellent connections with Brazilian industry. In addition, 
-research at LABES is also in the field of SE education and tools at its support (AIMTool45). This would 
-increase the competence of EMSE in the educational area. As associate partner, USP has a preferential 
-channel in interacting with European University at different levels: exchange of scholars, supervision of 
-students’ thesis and projects, hosting summer internships at USP LABES. Prof. Maldonado (g-index 24 – 
-h-index 17) is full professor at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science at USP and director of the 
-LABES. He has been president of the Brazilian Computer Society SBC (2007-2009, 2009-2011). His 
-expertise is in software testing, software engineering education, software engineering,​ experimental,​ critical 
-embedded systems, and environments and teaching methods. He has published over 40 journal articles and 
-over one hundred refereed full papers, as well. 
-<​dev><​span style="​color:​gray;​font-size:​110%;"><​b>​Role in the Project</​b><​br /></​span></​dev></​html>​ 
-The ICMC-USP participation will implement the common strategy of the Consortium of increasing the quality of the didactic offering extending the scope of the program to Third-Country countries. 
-Specifically,​ the ICMC-USP will be available to host every year 12 EMSE students for their internship. 
-<span style="​color:#​336699;​font-size:​160%;"><​b>&#​8662</​b><​br /></​span></​html>​**[[introducing_emse|Back to "​Introducing EMSE"​]]** 
emse/ups.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/18 10:12 (external edit)
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