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emse:tuition_fees [2014/04/23 17:21]
emse:tuition_fees [2019/02/18 10:12] (current)
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 <​html>​ <​html>​
-<p><​div><​span style="​color:​dimgray;​font-size:​140%;"><​b>Tuition Fee 2014-2016<​br /></​b></​span>​</div></​html>​+<h1>Tuition Fee </h1></​html>​
- +For each academic year the tuition fees for attending ​EMSE are:
-For each academic year the tuition fees for attending ​the Master ​are:+
 <​html>​ <​html>​
 <ul type="​square">​ <ul type="​square">​
-    <li> NON-EU students ​at FUB and UNIKL => <U>4,270.00 Euro per year</​U>​ +    <li> NON-EU students => <U>4,500.00 Euro per year</​U>​ 
-    <​li> ​NON-EU students at BTH           =><​U> ​  427 Euro + 100.000 SEK (11.300 EURO)</​U> ​   ​ +    <li> EU students at UNIBZ, UNIKL, OY => <​U> ​  2,720.00 Euro per year </​U> ​    
-    <​br><​br>​ +    <li> EU students ​at UPM    ​=> <u>4,257.00 ​Euro per year</​U></​ul></​p> ​    
-    <li> EU students ​     => <u>2,720 Euro per year </​U></​ul></​p>​ +<a style="​color:#​336699"​ href="​http://​www.oulu.fi/​english/​registration/​fees"><​b><​u>​Extra fees at OY</​b></​u></​a><​p>​ 
-The tuition fee includes ​social taxes (no social taxes at BTHabout € 130 per year at FUB and about € 400 per year at UNIKL, public transportation included).  + 
-<Br>+<b>The tuition fee covers: local tuition fee, social ​/ local taxes, ​language course, standard insurance ​and NO health insurance.</b> 
 Students will be provided access to the facilities of the participating universities (library, computers, laboratories,​ wi-fi, Internet, alumni associations,​ university sport associations). Students will be provided access to the facilities of the participating universities (library, computers, laboratories,​ wi-fi, Internet, alumni associations,​ university sport associations).
 +<span style="​color:​dimgray;​font-size:​140%;"><​b>​Payment modality <br /></​b></​span>​
 +<​b>​First-year students</​b>​
 <br> <br>
-<span style="​color:​dimgray;​font-size:​100%;"><​b>​Payment modality for the admitted candidates<​br /></​b></​span>​ +In order to reserve the place, ​admitted ​candidates are asked to pay a first instalment of the tuition fee to UNIBZ:<br>
-In order to reserve the place, candidates ​admitted through the rank list are asked to pay a first instalment of the tuitionfee:<br><br>+
   <ul type="​square">​   <ul type="​square">​
-  <li> NON-EU Candidates: ​380 Euro by 5 April 2013 +  <li> NON-EU Candidates: ​450.00 ​Euro by  ​May 07th 2015 
-  <​br><​br>​ +  <li> EU Candidates: ​272.00 ​Euro by May 07th 2015</ul> 
-  <li> EU Candidates: ​225 Euro by 5 April 2013</ul>+<​p>​Students will pay directly the second instalment to his/her first year university ​ at the arrival.
 +<b> Second-year Students</​b>​
 +The first instalment of the second year tuition fee will be paid  as follow ​
 +  <ul type="​square">​
 +  <li> NON-EU Candidates: 427.00 Euro by September 15th 2015
 +  <li> EU Candidates: 272.00 Euro by September 15th 2015 </ul>
 +A payment receipt must be submitted by September 20th 2015 to the EMSE secretariat by e-mail attachment (emse-secretariat@unibz.it).<​p><​p>​
 +Students will pay directly the second installment to his second year university ​ at the arrival. ​
 +<p> <p>
 +<​u><​i>​ Exception </​i></​u>:​ Students going to UNIBZ for the second year are not required to pay separately the first installment and the the rest of the EMSE tuition fee to UNIBZ.
 +<p> <p>
 +<b> Students with scholarship </b>
 +You also are requested to pay the first installment (10% of tuition fee) to UNIBZ even though your visited university will reimburse this amount once you arrive at their university.
 <br> <br>
-<span style="​color:​dimgray;​font-size:​100%;"><​b>​Bank Account<​br /></​b></​span>​+<span style="​color:​dimgray;​font-size:​140%;"><​b>​Bank Account<​br /></​b></​span>​
 <​div>​Free University of Bozen/​Bolzano</​div>​ <​div>​Free University of Bozen/​Bolzano</​div>​
 <​div>​IBAN IT67P0604511619000000009000</​div>​ <​div>​IBAN IT67P0604511619000000009000</​div>​
 <​div>​BIC (SWIFT) CRBZIT2B107</​div>​ <​div>​BIC (SWIFT) CRBZIT2B107</​div>​
-<div>payment ​reason: ​full student'​s name / EMSE course <Year n Year n+1>, ​first, second or singleinstalment</​div>​+<div><​b>​Payment ​reason:</b> EMSE edition/ Full student'​s name / Type of instalment (First instalment/Full tuition fee/90% of Tuition fee) 
 +        ​<p      E.g: EMSE 2015-2017/​Mark Zuckerberg/​Full Tuition fee</​div>​
 <​p><​div>​No bank expenses can be charged to the EMSE consortium. Within the European Union, a SEPA bank transfer is available.</​div>​ <​p><​div>​No bank expenses can be charged to the EMSE consortium. Within the European Union, a SEPA bank transfer is available.</​div>​
-A payment receipt must be submitted as soon as possible to the EMSE  secretariat by e-mail attachment (emse-secretariat@unibz.it). ​In case of withdrawn of the application communicated by email by 15th September 2013, the advance payment will be reimbursed with a reduction of 40 EUR for NON-EU and 25 EUR for EU applicants and no bank expenses will be reimbursed or charged to EMSE.  ​<b>From 2014-2015 onward, no reimbursement will be made.</​b></​p>​+A payment receipt must be submitted as soon as possible to the EMSE  secretariat by e-mail attachment (emse-secretariat@unibz.it). <b>No reimbursement will be made.</​b></​p>​
 <p> <p>
-The second installment will be paid by students at their arrival at the first university. ​</p> + </p>
-<p> +
-The second year tuition fee will be paid in full at the arrival at the second year university using the same account above. </​p>​ +
 </​html>​ </​html>​
emse/tuition_fees.1398266514.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/18 10:12 (external edit)
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