This is an old revision of the document!

Rules & Regulations

Until the 2012-2014 EMSE Edition

  • To move to the Second University, students must complete 52/60 credits by the second exam session of the second semester of the first year (September/October). The student is out of the program when this rule is not respected.

  • July 23, 2012 ⇒ notification of admission and scholarship to EU applicants

  • August – September ⇒ term starts (depending on the first university regulation)


The application is on-line

Applicants will be notified about the admission decision and whether they will be offered a scholarship. Registration procedures as well as visa procedure will also start afteracceptance and registration deposit payment. Additional documents may be required. Applicants will be required to fill out the on-line forms and to provide the following documents in electronic form.

EMSE Edition 2011-13

  • To move to the Second University, students must complete 52/60 credits by the second exam session of the second semester of the first year (September/October). The student is out of the program when this rule is not respected.

EMSE Edition 2012-14

emse/rules.1349423732.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/18 10:12 (external edit)
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