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emse:people [2014/02/03 14:58]
emse:people [2014/10/21 14:48]
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-**Dieter Rombach, Research Group for Software Engineering, ​Freie Universität Kaiserslautern - Germany**\\+**Dieter Rombach, Research Group for Software Engineering,​ Universität Kaiserslautern - Germany**\\
 {{ :​wiki:​picture_rombach.png?​100|}} {{ :​wiki:​picture_rombach.png?​100|}}
 Prof. H. Dieter Rombach is chair for Software Engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern and Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering in Kaiserslautern. Previously, He was Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland, and also Project Manager at NASA/​Goddard Space Flight Center. His main research topics can be found in the area of "​Software Engineering",​ especially in methods for developing software with predictable quality, in quantitative methods for measuring and assessing software products and software processes, in languages and methods for developing and using explicit software process models, in process-based software development environments as well as in software reuse. Prof. H. Dieter Rombach is chair for Software Engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern and Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering in Kaiserslautern. Previously, He was Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland, and also Project Manager at NASA/​Goddard Space Flight Center. His main research topics can be found in the area of "​Software Engineering",​ especially in methods for developing software with predictable quality, in quantitative methods for measuring and assessing software products and software processes, in languages and methods for developing and using explicit software process models, in process-based software development environments as well as in software reuse.
 **Michael Mattsson, Software Engineering Research Lab, Blekinge Institute of Technology - Sweden**\\ ​ **Michael Mattsson, Software Engineering Research Lab, Blekinge Institute of Technology - Sweden**\\ ​
-[[Michael.Mattsson@bth.se|Michael Mattsson]]**\\+[[Michael.Mattsson@bth.se|Michael Mattsson]]\\
-<​html><​span style="​color:​dimgray;​font-size:​110%;"><​b>​EMSE local Coordinators</​b></​span></​html>​\\ 
-**Barbara Russo, Center of Applied Software Engineering,​ Free University of Bozen- Bolzano - Italy\\ 
-[[ barbara.russo@unibz.it| Barbara Russo]]**\\ 
-**Kennet Henningsson,​ School of Computing, ​ Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) - Sweden\\ 
-[[ kennet.henningsson@bth.se|Kennet Hennigsson]]**\\ 
-**Bo Zhang, Software Engineering:​ Processes and Measurement, ​Freie Universität Kaiserslautern - Germany**\\+\\ 
 +**Samuel Fricker, School of Computing, ​ Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) - Sweden**\\ 
 +[[ samuel.a.fricker@gmail.com|Samuel Fricker]]\\ 
 +**Bo Zhang, Software Engineering:​ Processes and Measurement,​ Universität Kaiserslautern - Germany**\\
 [[bo.zhang@cs.uni-kl.de|Bo Zhang]]\\ [[bo.zhang@cs.uni-kl.de|Bo Zhang]]\\
 {{ :​wiki:​picture_Bo_zhang.png?​100|}} {{ :​wiki:​picture_Bo_zhang.png?​100|}}
-Bo Zhang is Phd student of the research group Software Engineering: Processes and Measurement at of the University of Kaiserslautern. ​ His research interests include Software Product Line Engineering. \\ +Bo Zhang is Phd student of the Research Group for Software Engineering, Universität ​Kaiserslautern. ​ His research interests include Software Product Line Engineering. \\ 
- +\\ 
-<​html><​span style="​color:​dimgray;​font-size:​110%;"><​b>​EMSE Administrative Coordinator</​b></​span></​html>​\\+\\ 
 +**EMSE Administrative Coordinator**\\
 **Chi Nguyen, Center of Applied Software Engineering,​ Free University of Bozen- Bolzano - Italy**\\ **Chi Nguyen, Center of Applied Software Engineering,​ Free University of Bozen- Bolzano - Italy**\\
-[[chilinh.nguyen@unibz.it|Chi Linh Nguyen]] +[[chilinh.nguyen@unibz.it|Chi Linh Nguyen]]\\ 
-Office hour: Monday ​and Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00\\ +Office hour: Monday ​- Friday : 13:30 - 15:30\\ 
- +\\ 
 +**Marlene Mader, Center of Applied Software Engineering,​ Free University of Bozen- Bolzano - Italy**\\ 
 +[[marlene.mader1@unibz.it|Marlene Mader]]\\ 
 +Office hour: Monday - Friday ​: 10:00 - 12:00\\
emse/people.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/18 10:31 (external edit)
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