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Introducing EMSE
Introducing EMSE
The European Master in Software Engineering (EMSE) is an 2-year international master program, completely taught in English, in cooperation with the departments of computer science of three European Universities (Consortium):
The programme foresees a mobility period: student have to choose 2 out of the 3 universities of the Consortium and spend one year of their master study in each university (50% of ECTS in each institution). The courses are project oriented. This means that students have a large offering of internships and projects to develop at the University or in a Company.
The course is built on six learning paths on annual exchange and based on core areas, specificities, and elective courses (see Description). All partners offer a research methods course to prepare students to elective activities.
Elective activities consist of a project (3,5-4 ECTS), an internship (4 ECTS), and a master thesis of 30 ECTS. Master thesis is co-supervised by two teachers of the partners the student has visited. Students that successfully complete the program get a double degree from the two universities that have visited.
Students are requested to attend a course of 2 ECTS in the local language in each university visited.