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emse:iese [2012/05/16 12:08]
emse:iese [2019/02/18 10:12]
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-<​p><​a href="​http://​www.unibz.it/​en/​public/​university/​default.html/"><​b><​u>​Fraunhofer-Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering IESE</​b></​u></​a>​ 
- is one of the worldwide leading research institutes in the area of software and systems development. A major portion of the products offered by their collaboration partners is defined by software. These products range from automotive and transportation systems via automation and plant engineering,​ information systems, health care and medical systems to software systems for the public sector. IESE solutions allow flexible scaling. This makes IESE a competent technology partner for organizations of any size – from small companies to major corporations.<​div>​ 
-For more than a decade, the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE has been enjoying a worldwide reputation for methods and processes based on empirical evidence. Regardless of whether software is embedded in cars, planes, or medical devices: The project work is based on state-of-the-art scientific knowledge. For the customers IESE thus safeguard the quality of highly integrated solutions. More and more often, software is the part that adds value to a product, since it is the software that turns high-tech devices into more than the sum of their individual components. Software is therefore not just a module, but a product within the product, and must be developed in an engineering-style manner. 
-Under the leadership of Prof. Dieter Rombach and Prof. Peter Liggesmeyer,​ the past decade has seen us making major contributions to strengthening the emerging IT location Kaiserslautern. The Fraunhofer Information and Communication Technology Group, ​ are cooperating with other Fraunhofer institutes on developing trend-setting key technologies for the future.</​html>​ 
-Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE) has consolidate worldwide experience and preferential channels with such industry sector and can bring  to EMSE experience and contacts unique in Europe and in the world.</​html>​ 
emse/iese.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/18 10:12 (external edit)
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