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EMSE Academic & Research Partner

From 2015-2016 EMSE will be a large network of universities, research centers and industrial partners. Each of the four consortium academic partners will be directly linked to at least three companies and one advisory board (the red-green- yellow spot in the map). New ICT cultural associations and research centers will take part to the network as well as academic partners from Brazil, India, China.

Consortium Academic Partner

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (FUB) - Faculty of Computer Science
Bozen-Bolzano - Italy
EMSE Consortium Coordinator
FUB EMSE Webpage - CASE EMSE Webpage

Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (UNIKL) - Department of Computer Science
Kaiserslautern - Germany
EMSE Consortium Partner

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
Boadilla del Monte - Madrid - Spain
EMSE Consortium Partner
UPM EMSE Webpage

University of Oulu, Oulun Yliopisto (OY)
Oulu - Finland
EMSE Consortium Partner

Associated Academic Partners

Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) - School of Computing
Karlskrona - Sweden
EMSE Associated Partner
BTH EMSE Webpage

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest - Hungary
EMSE Associated Partner

Indian Institute of Information Technology
Allahabad - India
EMSE Associated Partner

Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação de Universidade de São Paulo
San Carlos - Brazil
EMSE Associated Partner

Universidade Federal University of Bahia
Bahia - Brazil
EMSE Associated Partner

Tongji University
Shanghai - China
EMSE Associated Partner

Fraunhofer-Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering IESE
Kaiserslautern - Germany
EMSE Associated Partner

emse/future.1397457435.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/18 10:12 (external edit)
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