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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (FUB), in Bolzano, Italy
is an international and multicultural institution situated in the trilingual (German, Italian, Ladin) autonomous province of Bolzano, Italy. The Faculty of Computer Science was established in 2001 with the mission to educate new generations of professionals and researchers in methods and practice of computer science and promote research in synergy industry. The academic staff is international. Research activities are organized in three research centers with focus on software systems and applications. In particular, the Centre for Applied Software Engineering has participated to several research projects in applied Software Engineering. Among them, it was coordinator of COSPA project, STREP, FP6 (2,4 Mio EUR) and NAME project, NoE, FP5 and has been partner in FP7 projects. The Faculty runs three EMMCs (Erasmus Mundus), a full Doctoral program since 2004 and one European Doctorates. The Faculty was placed first in the most recent ministerial evaluation of research by the CIVR.
FUB expertise focuses on empirical studies in the area of open source, agile methods, cloud, and distributed software systems as well as open source use and adoption in public or private organizations. The area of expertise concerns mainly models of software systems as software quality (reliability or maturity) models. In addition, people at FUB develop technologies for software and process automated measurement (PROM). FUB courses are project oriented in that all the courses foresee some software project development. Students can participate to projects with IT small / medium size companies (like the associated partners Wuerth Phoenix srl, EDP Projects, or Opera 21) and can practice ESE theories in well-scoped projects so that they can be implemented in the limited time of an Internship or a six-month project thesis. Outstanding students can also be involved for longer periods in larger projects that FUB is running (e.g. Ferrari Gestione Sportive; Nokia, Italian Military Army).

Role in the Project
FUB is is the coordinator of the EMSE consortium. In addition to common activities of the EMSE partners (local management of students and student curricula), FUB coordinates students admission and selection in respect of the consortium / European regulations. It is responsible to maintain and managing tools for recruitment and advertisement of the course. It manages scholarships and students / scholars payments. It will be responsible to report / draw overall statistics/information on EMSE to consortium and EACEA. It provides a service of help desk / assistance for the administrative coordination through a network of offices. It will be the reference point for incoming and outgoing students, monitoring the achievement of the students’ competence and the students’ satisfaction at consortium level. It will host major EMSE meetings, in particular the degree ceremony.
Studing & living in Bolzano
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