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emse:contact [2012/05/25 16:17]
emse:contact [2012/06/15 13:12]
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 =====Contact us===== =====Contact us=====
-{{  :​wiki:​logo_fub.jpg?​300}} +[[emse:fub|{{  :​wiki:​logo_fub.jpg?​300}}]] 
-**EMSE Consortium Coordinator**\\ ​ +<​html><​b><​font color=gray>​EMSE Consortium Coordinator</​b></​font></​html>​ \\  ​ 
-<​html><​b><​font color=gray>​Free University of Bozen-Bolzano</​b></​font></​html>​ \\  ​+**Free University of Bozen-Bolzano**\\ ​
 Faculty of Computer Science\\ ​ Faculty of Computer Science\\ ​
 Dominikanerplatz 3 piazza Domenicani\\ ​ Dominikanerplatz 3 piazza Domenicani\\ ​
 I-39100 Bozen-Bolzano (BZ), Italy\\ I-39100 Bozen-Bolzano (BZ), Italy\\
-Tel  ​+39 0471 016 000 Fax:   +39 0471 016 009 \\ +Phone: +39 0471 016 000 Fax:   +39 0471 016 009 \\ 
-Emailemse-secretariat@unibz.it+<​html><​a href="​http://www.unibz.it/​en/​inf/​progs/​mcs/​europeanmaster/​emse/​default.html"><​b><​u>​ FUB EMSE Webpage</​b></​u></​a><​font\></​p></​html>​
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-<​html><​b><​font color=green>Blekinge Institute of Technology</​b></​font></​html>​ \\   +**Blekinge Institute ​of Technology**\\  
-Faculty ​of Computer Science\\  +School of Computing\\  
-Dominikanerplatz 3 piazza Domenicani\\  +Valhallavägen 1\\  
-I-39100 Bozen-Bolzano (BZ)Italy\\ +SE-371 79 KarlskronaSweden\\ 
-Phone:+46 455 38 50 00 Fax:+46 455 38 50 57+Phone: +46 455 38 50 00 Fax: +46 455 38 50 57\\  
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- +[[emse:​unikl|{{  :​wiki:​unikl_logo.png?​250}}]] 
-{{  :​wiki:​unikl_logo.png?​250}}\\ +<​html><​b><​font color=gray>EMSE Consortium Partner</​b></​font></​html> ​\\  
-**EMSE Consortium Partner**\\ ​ +**Technische Universität Kaiserslautern** ​\\
-<​html><​b><​font color=blue>Technische Universität Kaiserslautern</​b></​font></​html>​ \\+
 Department of Computer Science\\ ​ Department of Computer Science\\ ​
 Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 47\\  Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 47\\ 
 D-67653 Kaiserslautern,​ Germany\\ ​ D-67653 Kaiserslautern,​ Germany\\ ​
- \\ +Phone+49 (0631) 205-3602 Fax +49 (0631) 205-4380\\  
-Emailemse-secretariat@unibz.it\\  +<​html><​a href="​http://​www.informatik.uni-kl.de/​en/​studium/​studiengaenge/​emse/"><​b><​u>​UNIKL EMSE Webpage</​b></​u></​a><​font\></​p>​
-For more informations You can also read the **[[emse:​faq|FAQs]]** or  direct your questions to the **[[emse-secretariat@unibz.it|EMSE Secretariat]]**\\ ​+<font color=#​FE642E><​b>​For more informations You can also read the </​html>​**[[emse:​faq|FAQs]]** or  direct your questions to the **[[emse-secretariat@unibz.it|EMSE Secretariat]]**\\ ​ 
emse/contact.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/18 13:01 by adminhok
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