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Tuition Fee 2014-2016

For each academic year the tuition fees for attending the Master are:

  • NON-EU students at FUB and UNIKL => 4,270.00 Euro per year,
  • NON-EU students at BTH => 427 Euro + 100.000 SEK (11.300 EURO)

  • EU students => 2,720 Euro per year

The tuition fee includes social taxes (no social taxes at BTH, about € 130 per year at FUB and about € 400 per year at UNIKL, public transportation included).
Students will be provided access to the facilities of the participating universities (library, computers, laboratories, wi-fi, Internet, alumni associations, university sport associations).

Payment modality for the admitted candidates
In order to reserve the place, candidates admitted through the rank list are asked to pay a first instalment of the tuition: fee:

  • NON-EU Candidates: 380 Euro by 5 April 2013

  • EU Candidates: 225 Euro by 5 April 2013

Bank Account
Free University of Bozen/Bolzano
IBAN IT67P0604511619000000009000
payment reason: full student's name / EMSE course , < first, second or single> instalment

No bank expenses can be charged to the EMSE consortium. Within the European Union, a SEPA bank transfer is available.
A payment receipt must be submitted as soon as possible to the EMSE secretariat by e-mail attachment ( In case of withdrawn of the application communicated by email by 15th September 2013, the advance payment will be reimbursed with a reduction of 40 EUR for NON-EU and 25 EUR for EU applicants and no bank expenses will be reimbursed or charged to EMSE. From 2014-2015 onward, no reimbursement will be made.

The second installment will be paid by students at their arrival at the first university.

The second year tuition fee will be paid in full at the arrival at the second year university using the same account above.