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Tuition Fee

The tuition fees for attending the Master are:

  • NON-EU students => 3,800 Euro per year, amounting 7.600 EUR for the 2-year programme
  • EU students => 2,250 Euro per year , amounting 4.500 EUR for the 2-year programme.

Payment modality for the admitted candidates

In order to reserve the place, Candidates admitted through the rank list are asked to pay a first instalment of the tuition: fee:

  • NON-EU Candidates 380 Euro by 15 June 2012
  • EU Candidates 225 Euro by 15 August

Bank Account

Free University of Bozen/Bolzano
IBAN IT67P0604511619000000009000
payment reason: full student's name / EMSE course 2012/2013, 1st instalment

No bank expenses can be charged to the beneficiary. Within the European Union, a SEPA bank transfer is available.
A payment receipt must be submitted as sun as possible to the Emse ecretariat by e-mail attachment (