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EMSE People

The EMSE teaching staff,by over 25 lecturers and their assistants, is composed by international well-recognized researchers and professionals.

EMSE Leaders
Giancarlo Succi, Center of Applied Sofware Engineering, Free University of Bozen- Bolzano - Italy
Giancarlo Succi is Professor with Tenure at FUB where he directs the Center for Applied Software Engineering and is Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science. Before joining the Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, he has been Professor with Tenure at the University of Alberta. His research interest involve multiple areas of software engineering, including open source development, agile methodologies, experimental software engineering, software engineering over the Internet, and software product lines and software reuse. Giancarlo Succi is a Fulbright Scholar. He is author of more than 150 papers published in international conferences and journals. Prof. Succi is member of program committees of conferences and co-organizer of conferences.

Dieter Rombach, Research Group for Software Engineering, Freie Universität Kaiserslautern - Germany
Prof. H. Dieter Rombach is chair for Software Engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern and Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering in Kaiserslautern. Previously, He was Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland, and also Project Manager at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. His main research topics can be found in the area of “Software Engineering”, especially in methods for developing software with predictable quality, in quantitative methods for measuring and assessing software products and software processes, in languages and methods for developing and using explicit software process models, in process-based software development environments as well as in software reuse.

Claes Wohlin, Software Engineering Research Lab, Blekinge Institute of Technology - Sweden
Claes Wohlin is a professor of software engineering at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. He has previously held professor chairs at the universities in Lund and Linköping. His research interests include empirical methods, software management and software process improvement. Wohlin received a PhD in communication systems from Lund University. He is Editor-in-Chief of Information and Software Technology and member of three other journal editorial boards. He has been a visiting professor at Chalmers University of Technology and since January 1, 2009 he is a professorial visiting fellow at University of New South Wales, Sydney in Australia. Since 2011, he is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Kennet Henningsson, School of Computing, Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) - Sweden

EMSE Local Coordinators
Barbara Russo, Center of Applied Sofware Engineering, Free University of Bozen- Bolzano - Italy

Dr. Barbara Russo is Associate Professor at FUB and director of the Master Course in Computer Science. She has been the local coordinator of the EMMC EMCSE(2007-2012). Formerly, she visited the Max-Planck Institut für Mathematik, Bonn and the University of Liverpool, UK as Marie Curie Fellow. Her last publications include Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, and Journal of Software Systems. Her books include Adopting Open Source Software, A Practical Guide (with Fitzgerald, Kesan, Shaikh and Succi), MIT Press, 2011. She participated in EU projects like NAME FP5, COSPA FP6, CALIBRE FP6. Her research interests are in the field of empirical software engineering and software measurement with focus on Open Source software and agile methods

EMSE Administrative Coordinators
Chi Nguyen, Center of Applied Sofware Engineering, Free University of Bozen- Bolzano - Italy

Office hour: Monday and Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00

Bo Zhang, Software Engineering: Processes and Measurement, Freie Universität Kaiserslautern - Germany

Bo Zhang is Phd stipendiary of research group Software Engineering: Processes and Measurement at of the University of Kaiserslautern. His research interests include Software Product Line Engineering.