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emse:home1 [2012/06/20 18:16]
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-{{  :wiki:banner_EMSE.png?900  }} 
-[[emse:contact|{{ :wiki:logo_3UNI.png?650  |}}]] 
-<div align="center"><font face="cooper black"><span style="color:gray;font-size:170%;"><i>Welcome to the European Master in Software Engineering - EMSE</i></span></font> 
-<br /><br /> 
-<p><div><div align="center"><font face="georgia"><font size="4"> an 2-year international master program, completly taught in English, in cooperation with the <div>departments of computer science of three European Universities with a sound reputation in the field. The edition 2012-2014 is now the seventh edition. It started in 2006/2007, got the Erasmus Mundus award in <br> 
-2007/2008 for five years. You can visit former editions of EMSE <a href="http://emse.fi.upm.es"><b>here</b></a> 
-<br /><br /> 
-EMSE aims at being the most knowledgeable 2-year 120 ECTS MSc program in Europe 
-<div> that awards a degree in Software Engineering and 
-<div> preparing world-class students for both a research and a professional career in SE.</span></font> 
-<br /><br /> 
-<div align="center"><font face="cooper black"><span style="color:gray;font-size:250%;"><i> Choose EMSE</span></div> 
-<div align="center"><span style="color:#FE642E;font-size:250%;"> Choose the profession of your future</i> </span></div></font> 