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EMSE Offices

The EMSE project manager, FUB - Italy
EMSE project manager

The EMSE offices are vital resources of EMSE. Prospective students will find International Relation Office (IRO), Student secretariat (SS), and Faculty secretariat (FS). In EMSE the are co-ordinated by the EMSE project manager


The International Relations Office supports both the students who intend to spend part of their studies at another university (Outgoing) and incoming exchange students who wish to study for one or two semesters at one university. The office manages the following programmes: Erasmus+, the former Erasmus Mundus programme, the so called “Bilateral Agreements Programme”, Free Mover/Visiting Students.

As soon as the students are accepted to EMSE, the IRO will contact them directly with a welcome letter, will get in touch with the national consulates abroad concerning the study visas and will help students to organize their trip to Europe. The IRO will also reserve rooms in a student hall of residence. Students participate in a welcome and orientation session along with the incoming exchange students (Erasmus+ etc). During this session, the IRO staff gives essential information for students to start their academic year: both from an administrative and practical point of view. The IRO is supported by some “student tutors” who are available to answer the exchange students’ questions regarding student life, practical matters. The IRO also helps the EMSE students to get their residence permit, tax code and open a bank account.

FUB - Bozen/Bolzano - Italy

IRO International Relations**
See the dedicated page for Erasmus Mundus students

Student Secretariat:

Faculty Secretariat:

UNIKL - Kaiserslautern - Germany


BTH - Blekkinge - Sweden