For each academic year the tuition fees for attending EMSE are:
The tuition fee covers: local tuition fee, social / local taxes, language course, standard insurance and NO health insurance.
Students will be provided access to the facilities of the participating universities (library, computers, laboratories, wi-fi, Internet, alumni associations, university sport associations).
Payment modality
First-year students
In order to reserve the place, admitted candidates are asked to pay a first instalment of the tuition fee to UNIBZ:
Students will pay directly the second instalment to his/her first year university at the arrival.
Second-year Students
The first instalment of the second year tuition fee will be paid as follow
Students will pay directly the second installment to his second year university at the arrival.
Exception : Students going to UNIBZ for the second year are not required to pay separately the first installment and the the rest of the EMSE tuition fee to UNIBZ.
Students with scholarship
You also are requested to pay the first installment (10% of tuition fee) to UNIBZ even though your visited university will reimburse this amount once you arrive at their university.
Bank Account
E.g: EMSE 2015-2017/Mark Zuckerberg/Full Tuition fee